I'm the kind of person who believes in signs, und stuff like that. Most of the things like that come true too. I mean i know this couldnt come true, but whut does this mean?:

It was present day (2011) und me & my dad went to go see Auschwitz(the camp) we got there, und i started seeing all the victims! all of them, still wearing the ouffits, theyre hair shaven, it was like i was back in time. But it wasnt! it was still present day but they were all there. Everyone who died in the camp from the day it opened to the day it was liberated. They were all touching me und talking to me, some whispering, it was like they were trying to tell me their stories. Und a whole bunch of children looking scared und innocent hiding behind a small blanket or thier clothes. A couple came up to me like a shy little child would. But no one else in the tour could see or hear them, it was like they only wanted me! Only I could see them, hear them, feel them, und it was really creepy, it was so sad und so powerful...

i mean i know that wont happen, but i mean whut could this dream mean?