I've been playing for 2,5 years, and last month or two I have a problem with pain in my right palm.. It hurts in the "root" of my thumb, and it hurts like hell..
Now I tried to play seek and destroy, and about after the solo (I play (or try to play xD ) the rhythm part during the solo) and it suddenly hurts a lot, and I barely make it through the song..
Especially that song..
I have played this song in the past without problems, only with errors, but that's my other problem..
Now I have HUGE problems with the pain.

Also, I can't follow the rhythm anymore, I lose the rhythm all the time.. I had no problems with that, as I was drilling myself with techno music during my childhood, and crossed over to the rock/metal music.. I tried to tap my fingers on the table following the metronome, and I can't hit it anymore..
Any advices on those problems?

Bear in mind that I had NO problems with rhythm or pain in the past..

Thanks in advance..