Dear Neoconservatives,

Has Fox News been oversimplifying history to just the good vs the bad? As most people know, MSNBC, CNN, and Fox have been making billions of dollars over the decades of partisan fighting. It seems that electing a viable candidate that could brake the barriers of both parties and lower ratings down to just clean cut news and not for entertainment purposes is undesirable.

The elite liberals hype Perry's candidacy while at the same time "attacking" him just enough to give him credibility among conservatives. This clever tactic is known as "sheep dipping" (as in a wolf in sheep's clothing).

Lets have a look at this candidate's college transcripts....what's this full of C's and D's? He received a "D" in Economics! (lmao how can so many Neocons believe that this man is best suited to save our economy?)

In 1980, A lifelong Democrat, Perry supported Jimmy Carter over Ronald Reagan (a proclaimed conservative icon)
In 1987, liberal Democrat Perry voted for a 5.7 billion dollar tax increase!
In 1988, Perry was Texas campaign manager for Al Gore's (A man that neocons cringe when they hear his name) presidential run. Perry then backed super liberal Michael Dukakis in the General Election over Daddy Bush.

Long before Perry created his phony "Presidential" macho image, he was a male cheerleader at Texas A&M in the 1960's. He switched to the Republican Party in 1990 transforming his image into a tough talking, gun slinging Texas cowboy.

In 1993 Perry praised Hillary Clinton's socialized health care scheme,describing it as "most commendable." (This has to be the last call yourself a conservative and a Rick Perry supporter is an oxymoron)

Perry is a Big Government liberal! In 10 years as Governor, he nearly doubled the size of the Texas budget while tripling its debt! Enough with the comments of "there are no liberals in Texas" the governor is a Republican Liberal just as bad IF NOT WORSE!

The man promoting Rick Perry to Liberals...what a backfire...oh well =(

Vote Obamneycare I hear they both spit before they PHUCK YOU!