I have a set of "Merit Students Encyclopedia" books that I am looking to sell. I have theentirew set and would like to know their value.
Here is a little description of what the set looks like and says.
The set is completely hardback and the cover is green with gold writing.
The spine says "Merit" at the top along with a little design. It also says "Students Encyclopedia. Then it has what word/topic the encyclopedia starts and ends with and the encyclopedia number.
The inside of the encyclopedia, at the beginning, says "MERIT STUDENTS ENCYCLOPEDIA" in large writing. Under that it says "Bernard S. Cayne editor-in-chief", "William D. HALSEY Editorial Director", "Louis Shores Senior Library Advisor",(all caps) Then at the bottom of the same page it says," CROWELL-COLLIER EDUCATIONAL CORPORATION".
The next page mentions that the Library of Congress catalog card number is "69-10454". Then it says "Copyright Crowell-Collier Educational Corporation, 1967, 1968 ,1969". Then it tells about the "all rights reserved" thing. And also mentioned that it was "Manufactured in the United States of America"
Then it continues into the encyclopedia area.
if you could please give me a value and possibly a short description that would be great. Thank you.
if you could please give me a value and possibly a short description that would be great. Thank you.