I am in love with corsets and am a plus sized girl, I have worn plastic boned corsets before but they've eventually bent themselves out of shape. I am now looking into a more serious and sturdy corset with steel boning and have come across waist training corsets. I need structure and support to handle my hourglass shape and curves.

I understand a lot of people say corsets are dangerous, but I am not looking into using it every single day and I know when to quit. Answers telling me that 'it's not safe' aren't going to get my vote, sorry.

I will be wearing my corsets for events such as Ren Faires, Cosplay and LARPing (for LARPing, I will of course use a corset that isn't so tight).

I am looking to my below questions:

Are the waist training corsets sturdier than just regular steel boned corsets?

What are the main pros and cons of steel boned versus waist training corsets?

Is there a difference between steel boning and spiral steel boning? What are the differences if there are any?

Which fabric type is sturdiest? Brocade? Taffeta? Jacquard?

Other important misc information?

Thank you!