I guess im just curious, every time I have Chinese food (usually from one specific restaurant) I get allergy symptoms if I do cardio exercise afterwords
If I eat the food Im ok, no symptoms, its only if I eat it and then exercise afterwords
I know what allergy symptoms are like because I have a bad peanut allergy, and the first time this happened i thought thats what it was, but the food has no peanuts or nuts in it and unlike my peanut allergy, if i sit down and relax the symptoms just go away on there own
is there a such thing as an exercise induced food allergy???
I dont normally have problems with exercise, and the symptoms are allergy symptoms (hives/wheezing) not intolerance symptoms (stomach ache etc...)
also, i guess another thing im asking is how long should i wait after eating before running to be safe, and if this is normal
how can i tell what in the food is triggering it and how dangerous this is