Religion should be a choice for all people wishing to participate. It should be as much of a choice as whether or not to purchase the school lunch or bring one from home. Those who choose to bring their lunch are not criticized. Religion is not forced upon people in an overwhelming manner. If a Christian decides to wear Christian apparel or accessories, they should not be treated any different. They have just as much a right to pray before school, or at lunch to show their individuality, as those around them might through clothing, attitude, and word of mouth. As long as they follow the school codes as expected, they should be treated just as their non-Christian equal. No place in the constitution does it say Christians should be treated different. In fact the first amendment (passed Septeraber 25, 1789 and ratified Deceraber 15, 1791) Religion and Political Freedom states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise Thereof;..." Do we not live in "The Land of the Free and the home of the Brave," (as quoted from the National Anthem) and under that freedom does it not give us the right to self-expression, to be brave and stand out as an individual? If Congress can not limit our freedom of religion, and our schools are financially supported by that same Congress, why then should the schools have the right to limit our free rights of religion and self- -expression?
WorRAB: 261