In the Wild

The Wilderness
A struggle for survival
Many life threatening situations
Be a predator, or to be prey
To kill or be killed
To eat or be eaten
To hunt or be hunted
Make food out of others or be food to others
Gifted with strong senses
To easily capture prey
Or to avoid a predator
Our way of eating and consumption

Fighting with our own species
To gain a possession
To own a private territory
No trespassing, no intruders
Trespassers beware of my fury
Beat me in a fight and my land is yours
To have a mate
Male rivals are my competitors
I'm ready to attack
And win the love of my mate
And reproduce our own specie
Both wanted to win
Only one deserves the prize

We being hunted by humans
Some are unwanted pests
Some are too wild and dangerous
Some have resources
Different reasons to be hunted down
Forests and Jungles
Our natural habitat
Where we thrive and grow
Population increase and Urban development
Main causes of reclamation
Villages, Malls, and Resorts
Transformed from our ecosystem
How dare those selfish humans
Forcing from us which they do not own
And mercilessly killing us
Making us endangered and extinct
Humans, be more considerate
Benefit not to our expense
Look for better alternatives
We are God's creations
Preserve and care for us

Migrating to faraway places
When conditions are unfavourable
Scarcity of food or Extreme weather
Moving to faraway places
And remembering our routes
Eating a plentiful meal
A deep undisturbed slumber
During the winter
Our everyday life
Uncertain if we survive or die
A struggle to thrive or to vanish
This is wildlife

Will, Fortune, and Destiny

Will and Destiny
Two events and situations
May contradict and be opposites
Will is what is desired
To make us happy and contented
Destiny is inevitable fate
Forces us to accept it
Whether we like it or not
A desperate lover
Experienced unrequited love
To win his/her heart
And live together forever
Is the lover's ultimate dream
Because of a rival
More preferred than the lover
Left lonely and broken-hearted
Forcing himself against the rival
Won't do any good
A better person, promised for the lover
Is to console a desperate lover

Will and Destiny
May also agree
A plane crash survivor
A will to continue living
Chance of death be ignored
Despite a life threatening event
A destiny for a miracle
To be revived not demise
Despite wounds and injuries
Gratefulness to God
Given another chance to live
Prayers and wishes granted
And not to leave loved ones behind

Will, Destiny and Fortune
May all coincide
Almost always agree with each other
Lucky winner at a lottery
A will to be rich
To get easy money
And enjoy many possessions
A destiny to be wealthy
Change your life completely
With one single winning ticket
A fortune to guess
All winning numbers
Against many other combinations
Against many other aspiring winners
If all three agree together
What a great combination
What great joy and victory
Felt by a lottery winner

Will for all aspiring winners
Fortune and destiny
For one deserving winner
Losing in a lottery
Can trigger greed and envy
And threaten the winner's life
In exchange for his money
Strives and motivates people
To push their luck
And be the next millionaire

Outdoor Camping

Hiking and Trekking
Wild animals thriving
Snakes slither across your foot
Bears in search for food
Eagles soaring up high
Conserved ecosystem we explore
Spectacular portraits in galore
Makes us come back for more

Mountain climbing
Tiring but rewarding
Steep and high mountain trail
Achievement when reaching top
Bird's eye view of the town
Makes us refuse to go down

Clear and Shallow rivers
Makes us shiver
Currents run swiftly
Water rafting so quickly
Cool and Refreshing
Perfect for bathing
Waterfalls so steep
Jump we take so deep
Unforgettable moments we keep

Tents beside warm and cozy campfire
Temporary bed and shelter
Comfortable slumber
Outdoor and Wilderness Sleepover
Wake up next morning
Compass for directing
Exit from the forest
Vacation considered the best