i dont like when people talk about it around me. If I see a sex scene on tv or in a movie, i get bored and wish it would be over with. Ive watched a little bit of porn, and i find it extremely irritating. It's all that people talk/care about. (from what ive observed anyways) A lot of people would cheat on their significant other if the oppurtunity presented itself. Ive seen this happen way too much with friends and relatives. People are always cheating, and It seems that no one really cares about other peoples feelings. All guys seem to just want sex (im sure you can argue NOT ALL GUYS, but everyone ive ever known are like that)

Im not religious. I understand its a natural thing. But, I just dont understand why I have to feel so negative about it. Im a virgin, and ive had plenty of oppurtunities to lose my virginity, but i dont want to. How do i feel more positively about it?