Hint: 1Corinthians 15
soul<-->spirit is like Adam1<-->Adam2,
and as in Adam all die, but in Christ all live,
so then Christ is neither of Adam1 nor Adam2
because peril them vs peril us is peril both ways.

Hint: Godly division is under/above: Genesis 1:7
soul<-->spirit is left/right division = Mt 25 = partiality, but
joints<-->marrow is under/above division = no partiality.

Hint: a heart e-stablished "with grace": above,
is neither "under the law" -nor- "under grace",
as under law = peril them, under grace = peril us,
which is peril = no profit yet neither of two ways.

Hint: a more excellent way, above, is
neither broad -nor- narrow mindead

Hint: Better is neither Best nor Rest.