Question 1 Multiple Choice/Single Answer - select only one answer

Recruiting into research ...

is entirely at the investigator's discretion.
always requires a written authorization for ANY contact with the patient.
can qualify as an activity "preparatory to research," at least for the initial contact, but data should not leave the covered entity.
never requires a written authorization.
Question 2 Multiple Choice/Single Answer - select only one answer

HIPAA protects a category of information known as protected health information (PHI). PHI includes:

any identifiable health information.
identifiable health information that is created or held by covered entities, provided the data subject is a US citizen.
Identifiable health information that is created or held by covered entities that operate across state lines.
identifiable health information that is created or held by covered entities.
Question 3 Multiple Choice/Single Answer - select only one answer

HIPAA includes in its definition of "research," activities related to ...

development of generalizable knowledge.
population health.
quality assessment and improvement.
anything a researcher does in a federally-supported laboratory.
Question 4 Multiple Choice/Single Answer - select only one answer

When required, the information provided to the data subject in a HIPAA disclosure accounting ...

must be more detailed for disclosures that involve fewer than 50 subject records.
is at the discretion of the organization, given its accounting policies.
is limited to the information elements the data subject specifically requests.
is always the same, regardless of the number of records involved.
Question 5 Multiple Choice/Single Answer - select only one answer

The HIPAA "minimum necessary" standard applies...

to all human subjects research that uses PHI without an authorization from the data subject.
to all human subjects research.
to all human subjects research that uses PHI.
to all research where the data crosses state lines.