Absinthe Pig

You use multiple accounts incorrigible pig,
to underrate members with nice talents;
Ill posts emerge from your tipsy renege,
since your sot case is always unbalanced.

You burned your abilities in eighty proof,
and now you haven't a spark to illumine,
your scripts became some dispersed goof,
while you believe they are amaranthine.

With a bottle in hand you wait all day,
in front of your screen to enjoin Trolls,
against contributors, cause your dismay,
drives an expended case, without balls.

Your one everlasting scope is to acquire,
admirers for your irrepressible gabble,
that has nothing to expose but blind ire,
against muses, in your pathetic babble.

Indifferent verses on something vague,
a use of rarest words of empty meaning,
apt to stuff together in a grocery bag,
oddities that enter your mind screaming.

You call the result "poetry" or "critique";
but it is nothing more than a pig's tart;
a traitor of values with an opinion bleak,
with only grog in your empty mind's cart.

(C) 2012, All rights reserved

(Anyone to "correct" my English? Don't become comedians again on that!)
ZIPHA (2nd account with 104 points): It is not Trolling. It is DEFENDING YAHOO and colleagues from TROLLS!
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Auyg02w8hLz9DhvtIJLOc52n5HNG;_ylv=3?qid =20121019142541AAgpXSv

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AqyRZdmq2YyWSd2Hl7xJl3un5HNG;_ylv=3?qid =20121019135956AAoEfe3

THIS is TROLLING! Are you departing soon?