Ok this is the problem, me and this girl have been very close like affectionate since my junior yr and has carried into my senior yr, about three weeks ago it was perfect talked on the phone always texting and we went to homecoming together and it was great. After homecoming she started to give me the cold shoulder so I backed of a bit and a few days later texted her asking what was wrong, and she told me that she liked me but she felt we could serious and the tought of that scared her because she didnt want to lose me and that she was sorry that she doesn't know why she's like that and thanked me for understanding. After that we haven't really talked much no more calls not even a text but we just hug whenever we see each other, but it kills me knowing I can be with her but honestly I feel I haven't tried I haven't asked her once to give me or us a chance I know she's just a girl not a god but I'm picky ill flirt with any girl but one that I actually care about and have feelings for is rare. - Cheers