Did you realize that in the last few episodes that "sozin's comet" isn't a comet at all, it's actually the exact opposite. In the show, the comet was depicted as raging ball of fire shooting through the sky, giving the firebenders more firepower, when actually a comet is not fire at all, it's a giant ball of ice that orbits the sun, and when it gets closer to the sun, the heat starts to melt it's icy core...Water, and steam starts to shoot out, now since the comet is moving at high speeds the water, and steam starts shoot in the other direction creating the comets tail, i know it's just a cartoon but I still like to point out things like this in tv shows. Anybody care to give your thoughts about the show
Yeah, you're probably right. I don't really like avatar that much, so I try and point out anything wrong that I see in it... But what I really like is dbz, and naruto those are my two favorite anime. I'm only 16 so I've been watching dbz since I was 4, and naruto since I was 9. I own every single db,dbz,dbgt episode and movie every shown in the u.s.a., and I make sure to watch every single naruto episode every thursday... But still I like to apply my knowledge anywhere that I can, so yeah, over thinking things is kinda what I do.
Shockwave, what did I just say?