Let's be 100% honest,

I read some thing online where Adam Lanza's ex barbers said he wouldn't talk to anyone, and the barbers couldn't get him to turn his head whenever he came in for a haircut, etc. Like his mom had to tell him, "Adam turn left", etc. so he would move. He just stared at the tiles on the floor and would 100% ignore ALL attempts at the barber to communicate.

Honestly, what do you think would have happened in his social upbringing if the spoiled brat living in that 4000 square foot home with an Xbox in his basement and a $200,000 income was literally just SLAPPED across the face for being such an imprudent jerk?

I understand he wasn't 100% in the head, but you could discipline the boy. Foreign countries do it all the time. Heck, we did it until the libs started this garbage field called "sociology" and published these fake studies and stuff. Honestly a spanking would have set that boy in CHECK, and I GUARANTEE you he would have communicated instead of being an attention whiny "Oh I'm different" little snob.

It would've straightened out his social life. Boy's never known difficulty. Kinda like most of this privileged generation.
I'm not saying CURE, but at least it would've put the boy in CHECK socially, so this didn't compound like he was a God or something, he was special, no one can touch me, if I get upset I can do whatever, etc.