My mum is making me go to a doctors appointment for my strange habits that relate to food and my weight.
What can I expect the doctor to ask?
Will they tell me if I have an eating disorder?
Will I have to get weighed? With or without clothes on?

Information about me.
I am 19 years old, 160cm and weight 43.7 kg. I was around 46.7 a week ago, but have been sick.
I have restrictions on many types of food. I can't eat chocolate or anything that has touched chocolate. I will practically start crying at the thought of eating it. I can't eat cheese, fast food, bread, or sour candy. I can ONLY drink diet drinks or coffee with skim milk and sugar free syrup.
The thought of drinking full cream milk sets me into panic.
I pretty much can only eat fruit or salad.
I don't eat meat.
I am scared to go over 1000 calories and try to restrict to 300-500.
I do 100 push ups and 300 sit ups a night. If I miss a night I will make up by doing double.
I hate my body and am fat.

Please don't give me a lecture. Just tell me what to expect from the appointment.