Thanks to the growing number of wireless speaker systems, those of us who have a good-sized digital music collection on our smartphones or tablets no longer have to concern ourselves with docking our device to hear our favorite tunes. Sony is aiming to make complicated wireless setup and fiddly pairing a thing of the past too, with the introduction of a streaming audio system with one-touch near field communication (NFC) connection.
Sony says that the combination of 40 W RMS magnetic fluid speakers which use an advanced ferrofluid developed for the NASA space program and the built-in S-Master amplifier offers listeners a rich, detailed full range sound with top notch clarity and depth.

The 481 x 202 x 86 mm (18.9 x 7.9 x 3.3-inch) all-in-one CMT-BT80WB system features a slot-loading CD player, and both DAB and FM radio with 20 presets each. Integrated Wi-Fi caters for wireless streaming of music from a computer over a home network via DNLA, and it's AirPlay-compatible to boot.
If you have an NFC-enabled smartphone or tablet, touching your device to the system instantly establishes a Bluetooth wireless connection. There's also a USB charging/playback port and a 3.5 mm auxiliary input should your music device not support wireless streaming.
The CMT-BT80WB system (along with an NFC/Bluetooth-only CMT-BT60B version) will be available in Europe from May. There's no word on pricing at this time.
Source: Sony Europe

While Paul is loath to reveal his age, he will admit to cutting his IT teeth on a TRS-80 (although he won't say which version). An obsessive fascination with computer technology blossomed from hobby into career before the desire for sunnier climes saw him wave a fond farewell to his native Blighty in favor of Bordeaux, France. He's now a dedicated newshound pursuing the latest bleeding edge tech for Gizmag. All articles by Paul Ridden

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