My fiance has been in jail since april 23rd of this year. he might be going back to prison for 18 months to 3 years from violating his parole. i am just dying without him. in the letters he writes me he tells me that i am strong. its hard for me to cope with him being gone. i told him in my letters that im gonna stick by him through all of this. its hard to look at him through the glass. i dont think i could handle him going to prison. How do i cope with it?
ok you ppl dont know what ur talking about. u judge before u get to know him. thats what my parents did. now they love him. i aint gonna fuckin cheat on him. the only thing he did wrong to get sent to jail is leave wisconsin and went to chicago for an hour. i know its gonna be rough but ive excepted it. if u dont have anything nice to say to me then dont fuckin say it.