i get her it? i was at the mall today with my girlfriend and we where in american eagle because she was shopping for her friend and she was looking at this denim skirt that she has been wanting for awhile but they didn't have her size she is a 2. i was going to suprise her and get them for her for christmas because she was going to get them for awhile now but on the website there is two different color skirts and the ones she was looking at where a little bit lighter than the darker blue, but i think she was looking at all the denim one's.
heres the links

lighter skirt http://www.ae.com/web/browse/product.jsp?catId=cat1320034&productId=0315_1344

darker skirt http://www.ae.com/web/browse/product.jsp?catId=cat1320034&productId=1315_1267

the lighter one is in stock online but not at any mall and the darker one is out of stock i'm pretty sure online and it's only at this one mall that she doesn't go to

or should i just get her this we the kings shirt becase she was looking at that in hot topic so i know she would like that.

so what shoudl i get her?