before work -
She is not on my policy -
I do have a non owned auto policy - what is that exactly anyways...?
Does her auto insurance policy cover another car or only her own car?
I haven't developed a company "policy" about company cars sadly is that fact that this was before work hours protect my company from a negligence claim
so many different facts...arg.
1) the car is owned by a corporate officer
2) the insurance and regristration is under his company "B" (which he ownes seperately from "our company A"and the employee in question.
3) Company A does not have a company car insurance policy on the car.
4) Company A DOES have a non owned auto policy which does cover employees.
5) The employee does have her own personal auto policy.
6) The accident happened before work in a non business related task.
7) Campany B's insurance agent is denying the claim due to the fact that the employee in question is not on the policy.
8) Is that correct?
9) Does company A's non owned auto policy apply. Technically the car is owned by B "non owned by comp A" right?
10)Does the employee's personal policy apply?