Today marks the first podcast in the Productivity Mastermind podcast series. On Thursday a few of us got together on the phone to talk about managing inputs and the various tools that we use.
Main topics:
  1. Organizing your day
  2. Managing inputs
  3. Tools for productivity
We covered a lot of ground quickly on this call, touching base on quite a few tools and strategies. Some of the highlights:
  • Using your calendar and weekly schedule template
  • Setting appointments with yourself
  • Many, many online apps

Listen to the whole thing, it’s about 28 minutes long, and take a look at our notes on the Google site Productivity Mastermind.
The next call will be this Thursday, 16 October, at 4:00 pm Eastern time.
The call-in number is 712-432-1286. The access code is 1005106#.
Thank you for subscribing to Productivity in Context. I appreciate your support.
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Wrike is an integrated online project management solution that helps you manage projects, teams and businesses. I use it, and it works!
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