I'm 14(well 13 and like 358 days) and my 100m time is 12.6 (officially..but this was after running about 200-300 metres at top speed right beforehand) and 11.7 (unofficially because it was only timed by a friend)
I'm only 5 foot 5 now(my dad is 6 foot so im hoping i will be taller)
So how can I improve my times ?
Also, how can i not get nervous...whenever I am nervous i run terrible times (e.g if it's just try outs i can run in the 12's but if it's at sports carnival I do terrible and get like 13's)
Thanks heaps
Also, do you think I have a shot at making into the Olympics one day?
In Australia it is waaay different from what I've read with track and field. We don't have any track and field clubs at my school. We don't have any 'coaches' we have PE teachers lol. There is an excellence in Rugby(for guys) and excellence for soccer(girls) and even their teachers aren't really 'coaches'. I've really only learnt from watching on the internet and having some of the other older guys and coaches(tho the only one that is actually good at running is back where i used to live..he was a beast) at my little athletics(its a thing in Australia kinda like a club for 6-17 yr olds) giving me tips...