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  • 09-16-2010, 02:23 PM
    BIBI J

    Closing of threads.

    There are guidelines to pointless posting, but they are unseen.

    What you believe is a pointless post, isn't a pointless post in the eyes of the chyldren here, or the poster.
    And apparently they meet the requirements to post in the eyes of our mods and administrators.
    If they don't meet these requirements, then they are reprimanded, cockfarmed, banned, or forced to give BRiT a bit of the old oral.

    So we're forced to listen to the idiots, until we step in and do something. It's up to us to scare off the n00bs, or put them in there place. We are nothing.

    Gehtfuct for mod! :tongue:
  • 09-16-2010, 01:46 PM

    Closing of threads.

    Oh please show us the way ole Mighty One!
  • 09-16-2010, 01:32 PM

    Closing of threads.

    I think I understood about half of what you said,furthermore,whatever.
    I'm not going to ASK to be a mod,I don't need to be a mod to geht asshole powers. I've got that now. I'm not going to suck up to anyone,there's nothing to gain from it. I'm already a mod in several other forums,and I've got to chalk that up to WHOOP DE FUCKING DO! I realize there are younger kids posting here. I'm not contesting that. I just think there should be guidelines to pointless posting. I guess that doesn't really matter though. My ideas are always met with some asshole and his 'rebel without a clue' contradictions.
  • 09-16-2010, 04:59 AM
    Cullen G

    Closing of threads.

    Now, now kids...dont let the internet ruin you day. I'm begining to think its easier to keep my commments to myself rather than explain everything i write down. Relax, Deflate your e-erections and remember that this is supposed to be a "fun" spare-time activity.
  • 09-15-2010, 11:59 PM

    Closing of threads.

    Perhaps, you should care to be a Mod. Have you ever thought about it? I would vote you in, just to see what Big impact you are going to make on site, and how to pick and choose the just right posters. Maybe you know something the rest of us don't.
    I do agree we have an assload of mods out there that are never here, and I hate to say it, but you can't be moding if you aren't here. Again, I don't del, close, move many threads or posts but I am here reading.
    The other important thing to remember is that the site is for 13 and up. LOL, I have kids that are 12. There's going to be threads about 13i-19 yr old shit, and f-it you get the picture.
  • 09-15-2010, 12:59 PM
    Dr. Celticâ„¢

    Closing of threads.

    It takes all kinds to make the world go around. Post more good stuff, nobody is complaining about what you guys post. Run them off with good posting so they just don't fit in. Come on this is like before the baithouse when everyone wanted me banned.
    I think people should start in the cock farm and earn they way out, and thrown back it if needed. ROFL~ But that's just me.
  • 09-15-2010, 04:39 AM

    Closing of threads.

    I agree with you to some extent, but you can't just let all the AOLness and general stupidity run rampant. There are 12398124987 other forums on the net just like that, why let this one go that way? There are mature and intelligent posters here, those idiots just scare them away. I'm sorry, but if your average post is just "LOL omg ROFL" "hAy guys chek da pics of poop" or something similar, then IMO you need to go back to Yahoo chat or AOL. Perhaps the the Fark forums even.
  • 09-15-2010, 01:08 AM

    Closing of threads.

    I know you're editing but,while you're out gehtting your log files,why don't you go geht your "Crybaby,I'm leaving threads" while your at it.

    Secondly.I'll post what I want,where I want. Don't like it? Don't read it.

    Try again,hardass.
  • 09-14-2010, 09:45 PM

    Closing of threads.

    Bullshit, I am here every fucking night. I am sure we can pull the log files if needed. I don't run around pushing people off the boards unless it's needed. I don't need someone to speak for me, or to inform the WTfer's of my thoughts or plans. Whining about the posters is worse than KIT bashing. IMO! The posters are what make the site, if you don't like the posters on the site. Browse your ass somewhere else or Simply don't read it, and post/read what you like.

    Oh you are correct about my posting, I don't find many threads I feel the need to reply to, but that doesn't mean they need to be closed or the user banned. I post and read what I want, not what you and Kit deem wtf worthy.

    Hilter wanna be muthafuckers these days.
  • 09-14-2010, 04:32 PM

    Closing of threads.

    Look. Most of your posts are half-way grown up. No problem there,dude.
    Don't post garbage,and you wont be compared to trash. Mmkay?

    What do we have here? Kit,Max,and sometimes Broken. Broken doesn't come around much anymore because of the very reason for my bitching. Basically,Kit is left to take out the trash. Do yourself a favor. Give up on the Kit bashing,she's obviously not on your christmas list,nonetheless,she is a mod.

    Most of us don't really care about personal beefs with someone you're never going to meet,nor geht to know. But the obsessiveness of it all is gehtting rather "johnny K-ish". You're smarter than that,are you not? If you can do a better job at it,maybe you should beg for the job.

    Now play nice.
    Lest ye be spanked.
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