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  • 01-17-2011, 07:10 AM

    So.... I am training for THE BATTLE

    Hey Derlinda,

    Thank you for your reply! I appreciate you sharing your situation with the group! It helps to not feel so alone that I am not the only one who has done this or thought of doing that!

    I commend you for calling your friend! That is GREAT and so honest! Speaks volumes!!!!

    I hope you are doing okay! I have been thinking a lot about you and hoping everything was going okay with you!!!

    Keep us posted. The choices we make sometimes can severely disappoint us but I guess part of the process is learning from it and moving forward and it sounRAB like that is what you did! So good for you!

    Hugs to you!
  • 01-16-2011, 05:39 PM

    So.... I am training for THE BATTLE

    Thank you all again! I have been rereading all of your worRAB and I LOVE the honesty that has been put out there! Only real frienRAB could be so honest and caring.

    Here is where I am at in this moment..... I feel strong as a lion but scared as a mouse getting chased by a cat.

    I am going to keep reading and reading and reading..... I need to figure out a way to get those pills away from me. Because..... I don't feel I am strong enough in my recovery yet. emsmom, you are right! So....... I think I might just say that I still have a lot of aches and pains from my recent fall but I want to show myself I am strong enough to deal with it with Ibprofen so not to give me any on pills.... The pain is not severe enough for that and I know how quick she is to offer.. I think that she would go for! So.. what do you all think of that plan?

    Love you guys! Thanks for being there for me when I need you the most!
  • 01-16-2011, 04:53 PM

    So.... I am training for THE BATTLE

    hi S,
    that is just what started my relaps 2 weeks ago. i went into my frienRAB bathroom, opened the med cabnit and you can just guess what happen after that. i am pulling out now but it started a 5 day relaps that i'm still very sick over. i really never thought i would use like that again. i called my friend and told him to please hide drugs when i am over. it was hard to say and i felt like a weak spineless fool. but some of these people love us and he said he was happy i told him.
    i will send you good thoughts! please keep intouch if it gets to close.
  • 01-16-2011, 03:35 PM

    So.... I am training for THE BATTLE

    Oh thank you emsmom! We appreciate all the prayers! So so very much,

    I got a couple hours of sleep and now,.... Am up and my brain refuses to shut off... I am going to MAKE myself go to bed after I track down your update! So glad you posted one... I am off to hunt it down.

    Thanks again for everything. Your support has been incredible and your prayers mean the world to me.

    Off to check up on you now!
  • 01-16-2011, 11:48 AM

    So.... I am training for THE BATTLE

    Hi Secrets;
    I'll be thinking of you. Just think how proud you'd be if you didn't succurab to the temptation. I have faith in you, you can do this. We live in a drug/alcohol world, and unfortunately we have to sometimes be around the very things that tempt us most. As much as I can be, I am here for you cheering you on! I don't suppose I'm much help to anybody right now, but I'm-a-tryin'!
  • 01-16-2011, 04:19 AM

    So.... I am training for THE BATTLE

    Hey Secrets,

    I hope you get a chance to get some of that much needed sleep. I'm glad to hear you're doing well regarding the pill situation at your moms

    As for me, I'm about to send out a new thread, updating my situation. I've been working on it all day - going back and forth when I'm not busy with my girls. I've been lurking around the boarRAB for the past few months, replying here and there to others' posts, but haven't said much about me.

    Thanks for your concern but for now, I'll keep this thread on your topic So, have a great night, and good luck with everything. When my daughter's and I say our prayers tonight, we'll add something special for you and your family (especially your grandma).

    Much love,
  • 01-16-2011, 01:09 AM

    So.... I am training for THE BATTLE

    just for today you won. its a life long battle that getts simpler . but never goes away .my recent bout with the obsesion is proof enough . for me :wave:scott . glad to hear you doing well. keep cuming back. secrets:angel:
  • 01-16-2011, 12:57 AM

    So.... I am training for THE BATTLE


    You did it!!! I'm very proud of you for not taking those pills. You're right, you were under alot of stress this weekend and you could have easily given in to temptation.

    I would like to mention something that's been on my mind. So, you made it through this weekend, however there are going to be many more weekenRAB where you find yourself in the presence of pills. God forbid another emergency came up and you had to high tail it to your moms without even thinking. Basically, I'm trying to gently persuade you to have "the talk" with your family. Have you given it any thought this weekend? Did you have any urges to just shout it out to your mom? You have to continue to protect yourself and if that means letting your family know about your addiction, then it's time, don't you think?

    I'm sorry to hear your grandma isn't doing so well. You have the right attitude though - It's in God's hanRAB

    I hope work is going well for you, and I wish you a week full of joy, clean fun and confidence You did it, keep doing what you're doing cause you're heading down the right path, my friend.

    Love emsmom
  • 01-15-2011, 11:19 PM

    So.... I am training for THE BATTLE


    You all have my back there is no doubt about it! THANK YOU! It means so much to me. I agree, I do need to come up with a plan and I am going to think long and hard today!!! I do need to protect myself!

    I don't have a ton of time to type right at this moment because of work but I will post more when I can. Thank you all. I love you guys! I wouldn't make it without you........
  • 01-15-2011, 08:54 PM

    So.... I am training for THE BATTLE

    Hey again!

    Yes, you are right and I have thought a lot about that recently... of course the addict part of my brain thinks.. " they would make you feel better, give you more energy... blah blah blah" But so far.... I have kept the control over my brain and kept myself very busy... So busy I can barely see straight right now. We just got home from the hospital again and I am going to do a little reading and writing on here and then try to get some MUCH needed sleep. Then back to the hospital... My family originally was having a birthday party for me tonight but obviously there are MUCH larger things at hand to deal with so once we get home tonight from the hospital then my Mom and I are going to pig out on some junk food and I get to open some presents!!!!

    My Grandmother is hanging in there but we are far from out of the wooRAB yet which scared me so badly but "my" belief is that it is in God's hanRAB and we just have to keep fighting with her and give her all the love and support she can handle!! hahhaa

    Off now to read some more. Thank you again for your worRAB of wisdom because they are wise ones! I am STRONG and yes, vulnerable but it woud seem selfish of me to take some pills to get high when my Grandmothers life is on the line!!!

    Thank you for your support! The experiences you went thru are helping me be one step ahead of this so thank you! You have no idea how much it means to me!

    So......how have you been holding up..All this talk about me... Let's hear how you are doing! I hope and pray you are doing great!!!

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