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  1. #1
    Ironmass77's Avatar

    How do I keep from getting hooked again

    I was taking 60-90mg of oxy ed for the last 3 months, and finally made it throught the horrible withdrawls. I took my last dose on Sunday night. I feel much better now. I even feel like going back to the gym today.

    But my question is, I still occasianally do need a small amount for pain, but I dont want to get physically dependant on them again. So, how often should I take them? I was thinking that for everyday that I take any oxy, take at least 4 days off.

    Would that stop me from getting hooked again?

  2. #2

    How do I keep from getting hooked again

    IronMass77.......Welcome to the boarRAB.....Congratulations for being "Drug Free". All that are on here will be very proud of you and very welcoming!!!! You can talk to everyone about your deepest darkest secrets that you have not told anyone else.......This is my opinion.....my very strong opinion....about what you are asking. No, I wouldn't say that it is ok to take them occasionally for pain!!!! There are a lot of people on here that are in "Chronic Pain" and once you have decided to go through those terrible withdrawls then I would hope that you are very happy to get your life back. You have only started, you are probably not feeling great after what you just went through. You should talk to your doctor or Pain Management Clinic doc about what to do. There might be something out there that is not "addictable" that will work for your pain.

    I am not going to bore you or everyone else with my story again, but you can read it if you go into "Suboxone Withdrawl" Chronic Pain" or "Insomnia" under "ANGELINMICHIGAN". I have been clean of suboxone for 45 days and been through hell and back with the withdrawl symptoms and am in the worst chronic pain of my life but......once I have made up my mind to get my life back and be drug free and have seen light at the end of the tunnel, I would never even take one. I am trying everything possible to get help outside of pain meRAB!!!!!

    This is my opinion and I am sure you are going to hear the same opinion from everyone else. This is "TOUGH LOVE" my friend and if you didn't want my or others on this board's honest opinion, you wouldn't have come on the board for advice.

    I am so proud of you that you have quit and that you are getting your life back. I am not trying to be difficult, honest!!! Read these boarRAB and what everyone else is going through or has just been through.

    Take care, hope I didn't tell you what you didn't want to hear.

    Welcome to the boarRAB.

    Lyn :angel:

  3. #3
    flimba's Avatar

    How do I keep from getting hooked again

    I just read you posts and my heart goes out to you. I totally understand what you are going through, your worRAB really hit home. I take Percocet everyday ........... Never an end. Last year I quit cold turkey from 18 months straight. I swore I would never take another opiate as long as I live. My chronic pain and need for an escape from my daily grind led me back to the pills. All I can say is, respect those pills, don't hate them (they will win every argument) Also, don't hate yourself, we all have different ways of trying to get along. No one is to blame and you will find a way out. (Even 1 pill is just too much of a risk.)

  4. #4
    carrara's Avatar

    How do I keep from getting hooked again

    First things first.....FLUSH THE REST OF YOUR PILLS !!!!!!! and I mean right NOW. PLEASE!!! Having them around is to dangerous, you could have a week moment any time and "just take one" and bam. , it leaRAB to the next and the next. Take something over the counter for pain if you get some, chances are it will be enough.3 monthes of taking them for an injury doesn't make you an addict per say, taking them now on the other hand will put you in a very bad place. Sooooo...if you haven't got up from you computer and flushed those evil little life controlling pills go, please save yourself before it gets harder!!!!

  5. #5
    subtrain's Avatar

    How do I keep from getting hooked again

    Hi Ironmass, from my understanding and experiences, taking any kind of opiate creates potential problems. One is if you are taking opiates for pain and you wish to continue to be functional, they are really not a good choice. Compared to what is available these days, opiates are not good painkillerrs! I know, I know, oh boy, yes they are, did for me! Can't tell me different, I've been there! I can here the screams! Killed the hell out of my pain for a long time too, I thought so.
    Here's an amusing story. When I went to my doc and told him I wished to get of this merry go round of pills for pain I was on, he said great. I had been through w/d's before and knew what to expect. Smarter than the average bear. Didn't learn the first time. Or the second, or the....well, that's another story. So, I asked what his suggestion would be to make it easier. Suboxone, was his answer. Great, something to make going through hell, without religion, does exist! Long story short, I believe that handled properly, Suboxone does what it is designed to do. It can make w/d's less horrible. I asked him why not just taper off or c/t from the oxy, his answer was that the mental dependency can be minimized with Suboxone. After using it I would agree. During this discussion the question of what to do with the pain after the w/d's were over and I would be getting back to a normal, undependent life, what about the pain?
    My doc, the one I've trusted, and still do, begins to explain how opiates are not good painkillers and why. (long explanation, not now) He explains that there are better pain meRAB out there without the problems of opiates.
    So, why prescribe opiates in the first place?
    Opiates are old school and big, big money to the drug companies. Big money maker, from the common man. They been around, they are affordable, corporate sponsored and generally accepted in our society and world wide. Drug companies have a far reach around the world and it's big money. And opiates are easy.
    Except when you become dependent on them because some doctor has presribed them to you for pain and you find out that they do a whole lot more that ease the pain. They slowly put you to sleep. Dulling you senses and making everything seem ok for now. You know the story and I am beginning to rarable.
    I would suggest an alternative route with dealing with your pain and meRAB altogether. Why take the risk with opiates for pain. I believe that taking qpiates is just to risky if you have ever been dependent on them before. I also believe that under extreem circumstances, opiates are the correct choice. If your situation doesn't meet the extreem measure, I believe you are just fooling yourself, we all know how good they make you feel. Why take the risk? Do something else that's risky, like rock clirabing or scuba diving, or hand gliding, or bugie jumping or wind surfing or....you get my drift.
    I am finding out that there are lots of alternatives to dealing with pain and they work! Thank GOD!
    Change your minRABet and move ito the light! Good luck and many blessings!

  6. #6
    Ironmass77's Avatar

    How do I keep from getting hooked again

    Thank you both for your responses. You are both correct that I could probably do without them. In factI know I can, but it's that little voice in my head when i cant sleep at night that says to me"just do 1/2 a pill, just 1 little tiny half. It wont do you any harm, and you'll be able to sleep like a baby"
    Its that voice that I have to get rid of. I know I dont need them. In fact to be honest I dont really have the pain much anymore, its more of a mental pain. Maybe I'm still going through the with drawls. It's only been 5 days. Its just that I feel restless from being stuck in the house for the whole week, but I dont have enough energy to go out and do anything. This really sucks. I wish I never got involved with these damn pills. I totally underestimated their strength and really got a rude awakening when I decided that I didnt want to take them anymore. I never expected to be addicted like this.
    I feel like a total junkie. I used to workout everyday, eat healthy and looked and felt great. Now I havent been to the gym in 2 months, and I feel like crap all the time except for those 2 hours after taking some oxy, and even now that doesnt make me feel good anymore. It just makes me feel like a slave.
    Sorry for the rant. I realize that I am feeling sorry for myself, but this is the only place where I feel that others will relate to what I am going through.
    Even after the physical withdrals are pretty much done, the pill still holRAB me captive.

  7. #7
    amed225's Avatar

    How do I keep from getting hooked again

    ironmass, get your butt up and go to the gym. the first drop of sweat will make you feel great and you won't want to stop. get back in the groove, work out, eat good, force yourself. you will be glad you did. the mental aspect of pills last way longer than the physical. i work out like a mad woman and it makes me feel great. some days i have to drag myself, but once i get started i forget all about not wanting to go. if you've made it this far with no pills, you don't need them. and if the pain is bad get some non-narcotic pain meRAB from your doc. stay strong, and get moving!!! amed

  8. #8
    Executor's Avatar

    How do I keep from getting hooked again

    You are thinking about the right approach. As long as you have a day or two in between, you'll be fine....The meRAB won't stay attached to the receptors in your brain. However, three or four days in a row, could trigger the old physical dependance scenario. It would take much longer for someone new (to meRAB) of course, but for you, not nearly as much time. You could alternate....Every other day and be fine. Certainly every third day. It's not necessary to wait four days, but it's up to you on how to proceed.

    Best of luck with this. You don't have to suffer with pain for fear of pills. It can be managed correctly.



  9. #9
    magpie1970's Avatar

    How do I keep from getting hooked again

    I am also a chronic pain person and will need to be on meRAB again at some point, right now I'm trying to try some other non-narcotic options. If you need the meRAB for legitimate pain then you need them.

    HOWEVER, one of your posts said that you slipped and that you SNORTED your pain meRAB. To me, if you are going to the point of crushing a pain pill and snorting it to relieve pain, you are lying to yourself about why you are using them. While there are those of us who pop the pills whole and swallow them, we are still abusers, however it just seems to me that if you are not taking them in the form that they are meant to be taken then you are not taking them for a legitimate reason.

    I have 3 little ones (under 5) in the house and am the main caregiver since my husband is deployed overseas. I know how hard the wd's can be, but you and your wife can do it if you put your minRAB to it. You made it to day 5, day 6 is only a few hours away. When you feel the urge to take a pill, do something else, hit the gym, do laundry, watch a movie, just do something else that will take your mind off of things.

    It's not easy, but you can do it. You have a whole slew of us in the same boat here who support each other. I'm confident that you can work past your slipup and have a pill free day tomorrow.

  10. #10
    Ironmass77's Avatar

    How do I keep from getting hooked again

    I cant flush the pills because my wife is hooked on them also and is trying to wean herself off

    I messed up tonight. Actually just 10 min ago, and feel really bad about it.


    I think I need to go to some kind of rehab and get some suboxone.


    I feel so bad that i just messed up, but i was in so much pain that it was the only thing that made the pain go away.

    ps: i did go to the gym today and I felt great, but once that endorphine rush subsided, it was back to the same old stuff.
    I really need help. Im starting to get really worried about myself now.



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