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  1. #291
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    The Prestige's Prestigious films to immerse you

    I thought I might've misinterpreted what you said, if only because it seemed a rather simplistic argument for a film that you used as a study subject.

  2. #292
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    The Prestige's Prestigious films to immerse you

    I've had Pieces Of April sitting on my shelf for about 2 years now. I really must get around to watching it and it's placing on your list will (hopefully) do that. Better than The Ice Storm though? There go those expectations again. :-)

  3. #293
    Pyro Tramp
    Pyro Tramp
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    The Prestige's Prestigious films to immerse you

    Yeah i liked Snatch not as much as Layer Cake but i think Lock, Stock is particularly cleverly constructed with some brilliant performances and although superficial, cool characters. Just liked seeing a Lads Mag age London/Gangster film with a well crafted edge and plenty of humour.

    I agree about ignoring Adi, was trying my best not get suckered into another of his roundabout arguments, feel bit guilty from distracting your list. What did you study on New Queer Cinema? Our Uni started the unit year after mine so missed it except few touches in gender and sexuality.

  4. #294
    The Prestige
    The Prestige
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    The Prestige's Prestigious films to immerse you

    You should love it. It's powerful drama. It sounds cliched to say that but it is.

  5. #295
    The Prestige
    The Prestige
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    The Prestige's Prestigious films to immerse you


    Do you mean alien in a literal sense or metaphorically?

    Yeah, saw it about a year ago on the Sci Fi channel. It was alright, but I don't remember being that impressed by it. I was a bit tired when I watched it though and didn't give it my full attention, so I will have to sit and watch it again.

    Yeah man! It's funny because she ain't even my type. I mean she's not got womanly curves or nowt and she dresses way too eccentric, but she's got very pleasing face features. She's unconventionally attractive and it's a shame I can't find any sex scenes with her. I had a dream once that she kept asking me to take her to a restaurant for some stake and kidney pie, but I wanted to play football instead. Weird dream, I know.

  6. #296
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    The Prestige's Prestigious films to immerse you

    Good to see Frailty getting some love!

    Cool thread so far...

    Although we battle a fair amount about film, our tastes run pretty similar...

  7. #297
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    The Prestige's Prestigious films to immerse you

    Sorry to hear about your Grandfather Prestie

    Thanks for the reviews i like both movies very much and have them in my collection

  8. #298
    mark f
    mark f
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    The Prestige's Prestigious films to immerse you

    I've seen Blade Runner a total of at least nine times. I can't really break them down, based on which version, but I've seen the 'earlier" versions more than the 'director's Cut" versions. I've still seen each one at least three times. I go out of my way to show it to those (high schoolers) who have no concept of what it is.

  9. #299
    The Prestige
    The Prestige
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    The Prestige's Prestigious films to immerse you

    Well it's not really my idea. There are a lot of other members who take snap shots and post them in their reviews or lists as well. If anything I got it from them. But yeah, go right ahead mate.

  10. #300
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    The Prestige's Prestigious films to immerse you

    Means more if he's got more to sacrifice. Prospero's Magic Books > than Joe Blogs' carreer/completely avg. romantic life, therefor Prospero's books = more affecting, more powerful, paradoxically easier to relate to in bombastic movie terms, even if it's outside any viewers range of possible experience in a way that the lives in most movies aren't.



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