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  1. #1
    Shivi's Avatar

    How do you stop whining?

    I haven't got a dog yet but I'm afraid of what to do if it starts whining.
    Sensible answers only.
    Whining is not a small matter. Pee and poop is. Whining can make you lose hours of sleep and can drive your neighbours crazy and you all know what angry neighbours do. Call the council, and that's the end of you dog so the person who said that this was a small problem is very ignorant!

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  2. #2
    spnkimberlynne's Avatar
    the best way, is ignoring it. he will learn that whining gets him nothing! if you answer his whining, he will do it all the time to get what he wants

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  3. #3
    Got rice?
    Got rice?'s Avatar
    Call the Dog Whisperer.

    ... or at least watch enough of his shows to know that consistency with discipline is key. Nothing harsh, if you grab a dog by his jowls, that's where another dog would grab him to secure dominance.

    Worked with my old roomie's beagle.

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  4. #4
    foxfiretlc's Avatar
    When a puppy whines it means it's lonely for it's siblings or mom. When i Got my chihauhau we use an old fashioned ticking clock. On evenings when that didn't work he slept in a clothes basket by the side of our bed. Depending on how you feel about your future dogs sleeping arrangements, The puppy may even end up sleeping with you. Mine does now that he's older. He sleeps at my feet on the end of my bed. You can also use a hot water bottle for warm as long as it isn't scalding hot and you wrap it in an old towel or piece of blanket.

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  5. #5
    bubbles's Avatar
    don't react to the whining. he/she will learn that whining doesn't get them what they want. don't reward bad behavior...ignore it. BUT if you don't want to have a dog that whines, DON'T get a dog and certainly DON'T have a baby. BOTH are HUGE responsibilities and BOTH whine at some point in time. i have both and am tired ALL the time. on the flip side, they bring me so much joy. i can't imagine life without either...especially my baby:)
    don't rush into getting a pup. THINK long and hard about it.

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  6. #6
    may29monkey's Avatar
    Maybe you could try giving your dog a treat or give him/her a little flick on the booty or nose.Thats what I have to do to my friends dog.His name is Pupper.Or you could just give them a hug and a kiss to make them be quiet.Good luck and have fun.

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  7. #7
    greythound crazy
    greythound crazy's Avatar
    Before it starts to whine make sure it has all its needs/wants accomodated for . EG , food , water , dry bedding etc.
    If it then starts whining , ignore it , the worst thing you can do is attend to it.

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  8. #8
    sophylakes's Avatar
    whining would be the least of your problems ,, if you are seriously worried about this what are you going to do with pee and poop accidents on your floor , things being chewed etc... maybe you should get a goldfish

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