I'm trying to make a survey and research about child care services. If any of you got a minute or two, would you mind answering these questions for me? This won't take long, they're just straightforward questions, so yeah.

Thanks guys,

1. If you are considering for a child care service for your son/daughter (ages 3-6), would you rather hire a babysitter or sign up for a childcare service facility(e.g. daycare centers)?

2. If you chose a babysitter, how much would you be willing to pay him/her for an hour?

- and if you choose to sign up your child/ren in a daycare center, how much would you be willing to pay, having in mind that your child/ren can also meet new friends and be able to participate in a wide variety of activities while being taken care of by well-trained personnels?

4. Where would you prefer the child care center be located? Near work or home?

5. Are both parents already working?

6. What do you think would be more effective, child care or baby-sitting if both are offered at a reasonable price?

7. Age of child/ren?

8. What time of the day would you like a daycare center to be open or a babysitter to be available?

9. How many hours do you think would you have to pay for a babysitter or have to leave your child/ren in the daycare center?

That's all, thanks a lot!