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Thread: I can't sleep.

  1. #1
    TriniaB's Avatar
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    I can't sleep.

    And I haven't really been able to for the last couple of months. It's really starting to get to me.

    I've tried just about everything. I've bought every OTC sleep aid I could find, and none of them worked. I've tried meditation. I've worked out until I've nearly collapsed from exhaustion. I've listened to some many awesome playlists of ambient music. I've rearranged and cleaned my room so it's spotless. My husband and I have even started following the "bedroom is for sleep and sex only" rule. I've counted sheep.

    And seriously, nothing works. I'll manage to fall asleep for maybe two or three hours, and then I'll be awake again. It's starting to get so old.

    I don't know why this is happening, either. At first, I passed it off as stress and mild anxiety. I made a lot of really big life changes all at once, and I figured it was just everything finally catching up to me. But now, I'm not so sure. I've settled into my life quite comfortably, and all of the things causing most of my major stress are starting even out and get stable again.

    Buh. I just want a good night's sleep...

  2. #2
    w_pooh87's Avatar
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    I can't sleep.

    I would seriously start talking to a doctor about it. I'm assuming that you guys have insurance, and you may be able to get a good sleep aid.

    Even though you settled into your life comfortably, the stress and anxiety could be there subconciously. Trust me, I've dealt with anxiety since I was a kid, and even when I thought it wasn't there, it still was.

    I hope you find out something soon.

  3. #3
    Tori <3's Avatar
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    I can't sleep.

    As Danni said, go do the doctor, ask for help.
    Do you dream alot when you finally fall asleep then? There could be something in the subcouncious, you could try this: Write down all the big and small things that trouble you, no matter how small. You know, if the door doesnt close properly. If you have a bigger subcounsious(sp?) problem, all these smaller could help this big problem to make you not sleep. And by surfacing them you are facing them and maybe getting better sleep

    I hope you'll feel better soon :hug2:

  4. #4
    brigitte b's Avatar
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    I can't sleep.

    I don't have ze insurance yet, but as soon as I do, my ass is at a doctor's office. There's just not much I can do 'til then.

    And, Stardust, I'm sure I do dream sometimes. I often don't remember them. And when I do, they're pretty silly dreams... like, I don't know, being sad that my husband got rid of a gerbil named Freedom. Or that everything I touch turns into Skittles.

  5. #5
    depoeta's Avatar
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    I can't sleep.

    Do you ingest a lot of caffeine? If so, I would try stopping after 2 pm.

    My husband takes valerian root and melatonin. He started taking like four valerian and two of the melatonin then he has cut back to two valerian and one melatonin. He sleeps a lot better now. You can get these at any health food store or walmart like stores.

    Do you drink tea? Camomile tea is also a good natural source sleep aid.

  6. #6
    Pierced Kiss's Avatar
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    I can't sleep.

    I'm believe that some of dreams(not all) are a way for the brain to go through all what it has gone through that day or what you've been thinking on. When I have some weirdass dream I write it down as soon as I wake up(otherwise I forget it) and then look up some keywords on the internet. Sometimes they are total blunders, but sometimes there is really something to it :happysad: So maybe something to look into?

  7. #7

    I can't sleep.

    I'd see a physician if you think that it is that big of a deal. They will have the answer you need readily available. I'd bet you could go to just a typical clinic and they would have answers for you.

    My answer, start taking melatonin. If that doesn't help, and you've got to see a physician then you will know that it isn't likely to be a symptom of some medical condition.

    So then you can go see a psychologist, not to be confused with psychiatrist. If you go to a psychiatrist they'll just prescribe expensive crap to you usually and if the problem is psychological as in it does not have a medical nature, then the long term effects will not be solved and once you stop taking medicine you'll be right back in the same boat as you are now.

    You don't actually need insurance to be seen by a doctor. Simply go to a public hospital, the education of the staff there will be irrelevant because sleeping problems are so common that they would likely have dealt with the situation before. Secondly, the treatment process would be typically the same as private hospitals.

    The only time it matters for "light" problems like these is when you have been seeing the same doctor across a good period of time. If you have, they can usually find out what is wrong within what would seem like moments when compared to seeing a new or different doctor continually.

  8. #8
    KDHaynes's Avatar
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    I can't sleep.

    well once again i can only suggest the doctor. but all my "cures" don't work for me so i dont know how they can help you at all... i, personally, have had recurring insomnia for about...a year now so im not exactly good at finding "cures" lol. however i do not suggest any drugs, meaning illegal are OTC as they had no effect (affect?) on me so i wouldnt think that they would help you at all. what really ended up helping me was this weird perscription drug that i took once a week and also massive amounts of other central nervous depressants but i dont suggest that

  9. #9
    Cheese It's Avatar
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    I can't sleep.

    Doctors will prescribe you meds that make you feel retarded the next day. You can try them but they suck ass.

    Try meditation. It works for me sometimes.

    Learning Meditation Home Page

    Actually my problem isn't not falling asleep, its waking up repeatedly and not being able to go back to sleep.

  10. #10

    I can't sleep.

    I have had this issue for a couple years now. I've had prescriptions to many BTC drugs along w/ other so called remedies. Only thing I have had work for me is just sleep when you wanna sleep. make yourself stay away during the day. eventually i can get to the point where i can fall asleep after a couple days with a lack of sleep. Also i find i sleep better on a carpeted floor over a nice soft bed , Dunno why this is but.... :mfinger: SLEEP!



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