I have really flaky eyebrows. It is strange though because only my right eyebrow is flaky really. My left eyebrow doesn't really exhibit signs of flakiness at all. Except maybe a few flakes. But my right eyebrow flakes like crazy. This only really started several months ago and I never had any problems with it. I am going to see a dermatologist bu that isn't until a few weeks because they are so booked up.

Got any ideas on what to do?

And if you suggest lotions or creams, would I break out from putting the lotion on my eyebrow?

Wait a minute, Venetta is that you? How have you been? I still you are still a robot, but that's cool. Good to see ya!
Yeah it if funny, I don't get annoyed that easily but it really is annoying! And I don't really have that bad of dandruff, but I do use the shampoo sometimes on my hair. I'll try that on my eyebrows.

And ever since I got toothpaste in my eyes, I have been super careful about soap and the like, because it burns!