Excuse me, I went out to the pub last night, and once again I didn't sleep at all, but I'm not wasted, just had 6 pints but a bit dizzy at the moment because I haven't slept properly in days.
These are two things that I have noticed:

I am nocturnal:
I feel more alert and awake at night, like when I go to work, I work through the day, and even on a good nights sleep I am groggy and half awake at work and I have done everything, to try and make me more awake and alert through the day but it does't work, but then when about 10pm rolls around then my brain kicks into high gear, even if last night I slept 8-9 hours and I have been to the gym and eaten properly and everything, when 10 o'clock comes, then its as though its 10am for most people.
I had a night job over summer last year, I would work from 7pm to 7am and I liked it, most people hated it and culdn't focus as well, but I was f'ing charged up and I was great at it because it just felt like the right time to be awake and I had no problems, I slept through the day and worked at night and it worked..

I'm a deep sleeper:
I can't take a nap, there is no such thing as a light sleep with me, sleep is hard enough to achieve, and when I finally break through to sleep, then I am in a really heavy sleep.
I have 4 alarm clocks, because any less won't wake me up, my room mates hate me, but I promised them I would start using one clock, and sure enough I slept through the alarms and started not showing up to classes on a morning because I slept through them, and because I was exausted from last night because I was really really trying to sleep, because the night before I felt like going for a work out and having a practice on my bass at 4am, when I finally sleep, I'm deep under.