understand and sympathize? Do you think they can ever succeed? Are they really trying to get their audience to understand their pain, or are they just trying to alleviate it?
Call me an existentialist, but I just find their efforts futile. I personally cannot understand them. I can relate through my own experiences, but is that really the same thing as knowing how they feel? Somehow I think it leaves too much room for misinterpretation.
Final question: Was any part of that coherent?
Coherent but, vague. Yes I can see that. The people I am referring to often post long rants about their lives and struggles and then ask a question that cannot really be answered "Why should I bother living?" or ask a really obvious question "Should i kill myself?"
I find this very odd; that they try to share an intimately personal experience. Why do they type out a description of their low moods?
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Alh3U_Mp9ZziN_UF1xTICebsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid =20101023212321AAnnWiv&show=7#profile-info-8XswCVHeaa
Here is an example of what I am referring to.