you could sustain in football ? Shoulder

The most common shoulder injury in soccer is a separation of your shoulders which is a form of ligament sprain. This injury will require you to wear protective padding measures to control the pain. But if you are really unlucky a more serious severe ligament tears may require surgery.

Shoulder dislocation is another less common injury that you need to watch out for. But if you are unlucky I can only say that it really hurts!!!. There are two type of shoulder dislocation: a partial dislocation or a complete dislocation.

A complete dislocation is something you don’t even wish your worst enemy. The pain cannot be described with words and you will need to find a doctor or specialist who will push your shoulder back into the socket!!! My dear, it hurts just to write about it :-)

And if you disagree then this is what former England and Mancheter United ex skipper legend said about it to four-four-two.

(the above on shoulder injury was obtained from here....just thinking about a shoulder injury makes me wince in pain now)