I think I am. However, I'm not one of those manipulative types. I'm a pathological liar with textbook narcissism. However, thanks to my good looks, superficial charm, and high intelligence most people don't even realize how narcissistic I am.

When my grandfather died I had no feeling whatsoever (And we were very close). And no, I did not dissociate. I've dissociated many times before, and I am very familiar with the sensation, or lack thereof.

When I was 3, I was seperated from my Mother for 4 years. (She went to jail)
While she was in jail, I lived in several foster homes and impromptu setups.

The first one was with my biological father and his girlfriend (Not my mom, a different woman, and yes, it's complicated.)
Her name was Veronica, and she was a sick woman. She burned me with cigarettes, bit my scrotum, and did all sorts of abusive and sick shit to me.

Well, I think the State found out, and they sent me to live with my evil grandmother (My mom's mom.)

Her and my mom never got along (My mom doesn't even consider her family)
And she was kinda nice, but she never really loved me, and locked me up in a cellar so much that I was afflicted with claustrophobia as a result (Which I'm now over.)

After that I went to my best foster home yet. A single electrician in his mid 30's.

He was nice, and I was happy. But after about a year and a half I asked him if I could live with my Mom. He was nice, made a sacrifice, and let me go. (I think he may have actually loved me as if I was one of his own.
(Later found out that my mom had been fighting for my custody for the better part of 2 years)

Went and lived with my mom, and she married an abusive asshole that would hit my mom and shit.
I got beat everytime I told him to stop, he was a classic son of a bitch.

Also, I've been sent to a few mental hospitals because my mom couldn't control me at home.
The state sent me to a facility down in Utah where they put me through an intense behavior modification regimen. (Sadly, all it did was make me a more disciplined and intelligent sociopath.)

It's obvious that I'm a product of my environment. Maybe I ceased feeling emotions beacause I either lost the ability (I was never loved as a baby and young child, so why would I ever have to reciprocate) or because the emotional and psychological pain of the trauma forced me to stop, as an attempt to cope.

So, I'm not your typical, manipulative, sociopath.

And strangely, I have a sense of justice, truth, and righteousness. Though, it may or may not be distorted.

I have single handedly hoodwinked the mental health system up here in Alaska, on top of all my family and friends (They don't think there is anything wrong with me.)

So tell me, what do you think I am?

Am I human, or a sociopath?

Or do I just have a really fucked up conduct disorder?

Here are some of my behavioral tendencies, summed up for you.

Pathological liar.
Attention seeking behavior
Superficial charm
Grandiose perceptions
Shallow affection
Need for stimulation (Easily bored, but not for long if I have my way. This includes engaging in criminal activities for fun and for the thrill of evading the police.)
I'm a consistent shoplifter (Never been caught, never will. I'm too smart.)
Irresponsibility (I'll skip school about once a week. My mom has to tell me multiple times to get something done. etc.)
Many short term relationships.
Sexual promiscuity
Lack of remorse or guilt.

Also, I have a very high intelligence, marked at 135 (By a licensed forensic psychologist in a controlled testing environment.) Wescher Adult Intelligence Scale

I also have Bipolar 1. Which obviously complicates things. (Undiagnosed, by my own design, but I'm intelligent enough to figure things out for myself)
Well, like I said. I'm not a manipulative type.

Also, I respect human life as much as I respect my own. I would never kill unless I had to. I would never rape, although I have fantasized about it. But after the initial arousal wears off, I realize how messed up it is, and I immediately say to myself that I would never do anything like that. (I've also fantasized about getting raped. But that's a different story.)

I value justice over mercy.
I value rehabilitation over imprisonment.

I have a very strong code of justice, truth, etc.

Like I said, I'm not your typical sociopath. (If that's what I even am.)