I am a 16 year old male, about 5'6", and I probably have the worst posture ive ever seen in my life and I feel like its impossible for me to walk normal. I walk with my butt stuck out, leaned forward, and often times i find myself slouching in attempt to conceal how far my butt sticks out when i walk. Also because im doing this, I sometimes look unconfident and shorter than I actually am. Im not fat, if that's your first impression, i weigh 145 lb, play competitive soccer daily, and im built. I realized that there is two ways to approach my problem, one is to lose weight in my butt and thighs, which I would LOVE to do because it would make me faster in soccer as well as fix my problem, but I simply don't know how. No matter how much I run or do anything i cant lose the flab on my butt and thighs. I have obnoxious muscles in those regions but they are overlapped with layers of fat. And the other thing I have to do is fix the way I walk. So, Im asking for two things: 1. How can i lose fat on my thighs and butt? and 2. What are exercises I can do to fix my posture?