The term Hispanic comes from the term Hispania(the ancient Roman name for Spain),in much the same manner that the term Britannic comes from the term Britannia(the ancient Roman name for Britain).The peoples of Spain(gentile Spaniards & Basques)are European & racially White.The non White(American Indians,Blacks,Asians,Jews,Middle Easterners) & mixed race(Mestizo,Mulatto) Spanish-speaking peoples of Mexico,central & south America are by NO means Hispanic,in much the same way that the non White,non British English-speaking Americans of the U.S.A.(Asian Americans,African Americans,American Indians,Jewish Americans,Middle Eastern Americans,etc.)are by NO means Britannic.
100% Basque & Proud!(San Sebastian,Spain)
And by the way Hispanics can only be White,there is no such thing as a "Black Hispanic","Asian Hispanic","American Indian Hispanic","Jewish Hispanic".,Just like there is no such thing as a "Black Britannic","Asian Britannic","American Indian Britannic",etc.
@Jessica:you are dead wrong a Mestizo or any mongrel is by no means Hispanic(Hispano).Any person with any amount of non White blood in their veins is not White!. I dare the Mestizo Mexicans to go to Spain and they will see for themselves how NON Hispanic they are when they stand next to a gentile Spaniard or Basque!