I have a friend who married a woman with 2 kids ( ages 18 and 16) He gave his life to Christ and so did she.. He and her ATTENDED the same church but He left the church because he said that the church was not preaching the WORD of God correctly as written in the Bible. So he denounced his membership and joined another church where he said that he is getting GOOD TEACHING but his wife and her kids did not leave ..They continue to go to the church he left.. So because of that there is a lot of arguing on that.. And another reason they argue is because the 18 year old ,(which is his stepson )does not want to work.. and his mother is not demanding that he do work. So he ( the husband ) goes to a church revival and the subject was on marriage so now he is saying that ALTHOUGH him and his wife argue, hes gotta stay in the marriage because the only way to leave is through fornication... He continues to call his EX girlfriend (now BEST FRIEND) every single day and confides with his EX girlfriend about his marriage and family problems. SO why does he say that he gotta stay in his marriage but call/text/contact his ex girlfriend EVERYDAY to talk... IN your Honest opinion, do you think his marriage will survive...? So why do he call and talk to his ex girlfriend about his wife and her kids... ( I mean he tell his ex girlfriend EVERYTHING).. He says he is living his life Holy and pleasing to GOD .. But he tells his ex girlfriend this" who knows maybe oneday God will get us back together".. Can you tell me what is going with him ?.. I personally don't think that this marriage was ORDAINED by GOD ... but put together by man ( those two ) He even said that he realized he made a mistake.. But when he went to the church revival he said that it opened his eyes.. He even said that he did not love his wife like a husband is suppose to and that he dosent wear his ring and that he dont sleep with his wife.. she sleeps on the sofa .. So can you give me some answers on this matter.. He said that they argue ALL the time .But she hasnt cheated (slept with anyone) and he hasnt slept with anyone.. They just argue A LOT!.,. A while back he said he wished he could get out of the marriage but he would be comitting a sin because he made a vow to GOD. My friend need help.