My parents have been married for almost 21 years. When my parents were married my dad had a bad temper and was very egotistical and treated my mom pretty shitty (he acknowledges this and takes full blame). Three of us went to California for 3 months in which during this time there were multiple phone conversations and my dad going into therapy a couple times. Things were great for 2 years after this and there was no bickering, fighting or blowups. After those 2 years, my dad was still okay, but slowly his temper came back and he treated my mom bad again (being sarcastic, bad jokes ect). My mom got tired of this and needed to get away and "find herself." She first brought up divorce early January 2010 and then moved out of our house to live with a friend in Mid-March 2010. My dad through this had an epiphany and changed his outlook on everything his relationship with my brother and I became devotion, he went back to the therapist, helped my mom move out and still takes her out to dinner. Around August, we figured out she was having an affair and was doing this before she was separated (oh by the way they aren't divorced). After the confrontation my dad was still there for her despite him being hurt because he made that mistake too during the marriage and he was forgiven. She goes to bars and before separation was dressing up, tanning, working out and became a fashion diva out of no where. Let me tell you, she has been sitting on the divorce papers, she claims her and this other guy are just "friends" and they aren't sleeping together (i believe this is true) and that when she goes to bars and stuff with him they just listen to music and talk. At the beginning she was only going out with him on Fridays..then it became during the week random times. The guy during the affair thought she was divorced and now that he knows the truth they are still hanging around. The other guy lives with him mom in a small house, is a mechanic, divorced, and has a DUI (which means she is driving him around and also, prob paying for stuff). She makes it clear she doesn't have "romantic feelings" now for my dad, but wants to remain friends because "u never know what's going to happen in the future." She can't let go of the past and says that the whole 21 years of marriage was made of fear and there were no good times (load of crock). My dad is consistently pounding his head trying to figure out ways to reach her and says it is all his fault he acted like that in the past and now he's paying for it by losing the only woman he ever loved and his family. What do you think??