I'm gay and last night I met one of my straight guy friends' friend who was very quiet all night and was very shy. (My best friend told me she swears he must be gay due to the way he talked, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.) My straight guy friend told me his name and I added him on facebook. He accepted my request and we started talking through messages. Eventually we started texting. As of now, I don't see any signs of him not being straight. My friend told me that he was straight. We're both going to the next local show and I want to do something to test his sexuality. I've figured that you can never truly tell whether a guy is straight or not until you get deep inside their mind. I just wanna test him to see whether he might be bi-curious, bi, gay, etc. I was thinking of somehow getting him alone at the next show and just having a nice conversation, although I'm sure it would be hella awkward since he's really shy in person and I'm fairly quiet around people I don't know THAT well. I could bring up topics in our conversation about relationships/sexuality/etc. And as much as this might sound like a creeper move, I just kind of want to kiss him out of nowhere. I feel like that would definitely tell me something. He could either push me off immediately, hesitate, or not do anything. Also, I don't think he knows I'm gay, but he might. We were all talking last night in a circle and my friends were talking about me being gay while he was there but I'm not sure if he was paying attention. I just wanna know what you guys think I should do to go about doing this? Thanks.