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Art Institute of Vegas or community college?
I enrolled there. Im a little worry about them. All they worry about is you're financial plan and setting up monthly payments.. They sound more like salesman..... I paid the 50 buck non-refundable.. Now all they talk about is that 100 buck app fee with the 50 I paid.. I heard bad reviews of people attending art institute ONLINE.. Which I am not going online i repeat im not going online. Im going in the classroom environment.. i am moving i just need a change of scenery. so i want to learn something everyday not just give my money away.. They're starting to sound like hustlers than anything.. Im so stressed everybody is negative..

Should I just go to my local community college for GRAPHIC DESIGN?? I just wanna be happy. im about to get me a drink my nerves is real bad x's 3

I have some basics but I had to stop when I had my accident and became paralyzed. noone come say i was paralyzed this/that and walk a yr later . my doc told me this/that. i dont care.. cause you wasnt paralyzed. you was whatever..
i just want to be the best at what i do.. want to make sure its accredited and u learn something.. or is it just cheaper to go to my local community college???

What folks think, worth it?