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  1. #1
    JosephC's Avatar
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    A question to liberals/leftwingers.

    I lean left but have many conservative traits as well, (ie: pro-gun, pro-life.) Lately there has been an attempt to fabricate, or shall I say, "make a mountain out of a molehill" by the ultra-religious factions of society, and their ilk, (with the help of a few controversial rightwing extremist television personalities,) to sell the nation on the idea that the leftwing, liberal, traitor, homo-lovers, agenda is trying to do away with Christmas.

    I don't see it. The only people I hear whining about it is them. Now, Walmart may answer the phone with a "Happy Holidays" but I hardly believe that constitutes a "War on Christmas."

    It is my opinion that this is, for the most part, a fabricated non-event. Sure, I know some merchandisers have went over to "Happy Holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas" in an attempt to be inclusive during the holiday shopping season. And yes, there is aways that whacko atheist who stanRAB on the street corner shouting down religion, (you know the one, he stanRAB across the street from the religious whacko shouting "Jesus is coming! Repent!") It takes all kinRAB. But where's the war?

    Where are all these demon liberals who hate Christmas or "even the mention of Jesus' name?" I don't know any. Most all of my frienRAB lean left. Yet they all have big ol' Christmas trees and spend way to much money passing out holiday blessings and gifts all in the name of Christmas. Nativity scenes. The whole nine yarRAB. They all say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Where are all these Christmas haters the rightwingnuts are talking about? I looked under my bed, couldn't find any. I looked under the rocks in my garden, nope, not there.

    What about in your world? I would be interested in all the leftwingers on this site to tell us where they stand on Christmas. Heck, I could be totally wrong. The rightwingnuts may be right. Those demon liberals are trying to outlaw Christmas! I don't think they are. I think us leftwingers love our Christmas as much as anybody else. It's just a BS diversion by the right to instigate yet another divisive myth to do further harm and division to our nation. For the life of me I cannot understand their ongoing desire to perpetuate that agenda issue after issue. Where does all their hate come from?

    I'm not interested in some goofy link to some goofy website. I want to know how YOU (leftwingers) actually feel about Christmas. If I am right, maybe we can shut these righty instigators up once and for all on this subject, at least here, on this forum. If I am wrong, then I will say so. After all, I am the Truthsayer.

    What say ye?

    PS...this poll identifies who voted what. I did this to keep some of our rightwing collegues, (you know the ones,) from sabotaging this poll. You know how they hate to be wrong. So just know your vote will be identified by your forum name and we all know who is and who is not liberal here.

  2. #2
    princes's Avatar
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    A question to liberals/leftwingers.

    Not a lefty, but there's no issue where I live. Some follow organized religion, some don't. Aside from the usual extremist letters to the editor in our local newspaper (the lazy equivalent of opposing factions on street corners), business as usual.

  3. #3
    Lovely's Avatar
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    A question to liberals/leftwingers.

    Merry Christmas VS. Happy Holidays

    I started this thread back about a week or so before Christmas.
    As far as how I voted, I voted that I am a Liberal and I am not at war with Christmas. As I state in the thread above, I never felt that it was a Liberal VS. Conservative issue. I think that the extreme right-wing Conservatives make it out to be but I don't think it really is.
    Of course, I'm a Christian Liberal so why would I be at war with Christmas. Of course, since Jesus was a Liberal, I'd like to think that I'm in good company.:xangel:
    From what I got, the whole Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays comes from the whole PC thing. (That's politically correct, not Personal Computer) The stores and various companies don't want to accedentally insult someone who is Jewish (or Islamic, or Hindu, or Buddist, or a member of some popular religion from Eastern Asia.) It's not Christmas that is really under attack. It's the feeling of freedom to just wish a random stranger you meet on the street a Merry Christmas (which isn't really done that much anyway.)

  4. #4
    CHAWWWWW's Avatar
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    A question to liberals/leftwingers.

    I consider myself progressive (except for maybe the pro-gun, pro-death penalty thing, but hey, no one is perfect), and I dont care if you say "merry christmas" or "happy holidays" or whatever. Personally, I sah "happy holidays", but I don't see why anyone should be forced to follow my example, but neither do I see why I should be forced to say "merry christmas". Some people just need to chill out.

  5. #5
    courters's Avatar
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    A question to liberals/leftwingers.

    LOL I am at war with the cithgaps



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