I'm having some trouble in my pregnancy at the moment. I'm 37 weeks with sciatica and SPD, a large baby whose movements feel ridiculously painful sometimes and to top it all off I have a stinking cold that is kicking my butt. My DF helps around the house, helps with the child care and understands that I'm in pain but keeps reiterating the fact that he can't do anything about it. I get that he can't do anything about it but he's the only person in my life apart from DD who's two who I can complain to and share things with. When I can't sleep he tells me to try to sleep, turns over and goes to sleep himself when all I need is some reassurance and a cuddle. He thinks I complain too much but if I don't complain or speak about my feelings I feel like I'm going to cry/smack something. I'm so fed up of this pregnancy and illness it's frustrating but I know I have another three weeks to go and I don't want to be burdening my DF with all of this when I know he does his best for me and I'm being unreasonable.

Does anyone have any advice on how to cope with pain and frustration when you can't complain to your other half? Do you keep it inside and just find a way to deal with it and push on or do you talk about it with other mum's online? My friends are all child free/going through rough patches themselves so I feel like I can't burden them with my trivial aches and pains.

I know I'm being hormonal and generally annoying but I just can't seem to stop :/.