Okay so here is my situation... I am 23 and about to graduate from college in 3 weeks with a bachelor's degree in Communications, Spanish and Bilingual Journalism. I have wanted to move to California since I was about 15 but never ended up going away for undergrad. So now I have no strings attached and really nothing holding me back, except maybe my boyfriend. But I have lived in the same 20 mile radius since I was 3 years old and I desperately want a change of scenery. I want to discover something new and challenge myself, I mean we only live once right? I visited SoCal for a week this summer and absolutely fell in love!

So here is my plan...I'm thinking of moving there in the next few months. I have a place I can stay (with my aunt in Orange County) until I get everything situated and get my feet on the ground. I want to find a job within the first 4 months that I am there. Then save up some money and get my own place. Meanwhile study for the GMAT and gain my California residency that way I can apply for a state school and join an MBA program part-time while working full-time. I'm thinking UCI (University of California Irvine) but I am definitely very flexible with my grad school options.

Here is the problem... I am already about $100,000 in debt from undergrad loans and I have no job lined up and a very limited savings that won't go far. Plus California is VERY expensive. I am not sure if it is the wisest thing for a recent college grad, with little work experience, to do. Our economy is so tough right now too. Plus I probably won't be able to get a car until I either save up enough money after I land a job or get grad school loans. I have a car right now but there's no way it would make it to California. I'd probably end up selling it for a measly $2,000. Another issue is that I really don't know anyone in Cali. I won't have any friends or family there and I am worried it could be really lonely and difficult. I have my aunt (not biologically just a really good friend of my mom's) and my boyfriend's best friend and his wife live in Oceanside not too far away.

Here is some background information... I lived in Spain for 5 months almost 2 years ago but for some reason I am so much more nervous/worried/scared about this than I was leaving the country. It was a study abroad program and I didn't really have to worry about working, saving money, finding a place to stay, applying for grad school and it was temporary so I think that made it easier. But if I could do that than I can do this, right?

Here is my real question...Is any of this realistic or too far fetched? Has anyone ever done something like this? I am looking for some good advice. Thanks in advance!
I would be moving from Chicago suburbs.
I would be moving from Chicago suburbs.