Well, I'm not sure if this is the place (Yahoo Answers) or the time (Around 3am) to be asking this, but I have this "problem" with my friend. Well "girlfriend" kinda. And I know, I'm not the only one, but please don't hate me. She is this amazingly interesting person, and she can do all these things, She signs like the.... never mind, the details aren't that important. Well... I just feel so happy and awesome with her and I assume (From the things she does) that she is more or less interested in me. But this one crazy thing bugs me to death about her. She is so damn innocent. In a good way mostly, but she doesn't know how to hug, or kiss, or any kind of contact. Even holding hands. She is just too As I can put it innocent and not ready yet, or something. I just feel kinda not completely fulfilled with her but I don't want to push her too much or she might just leave. Forgot to mention that we are 1 year different, I'm 16 and she's 15. I don't know what to try, and if I should try it to get her to, idk trust me more? maybe? Please help if you can, and thank you for your time Yahooers. - Daniel