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  1. #1
    b u t t e r f l y
    b u t t e r f l y's Avatar

    Police or anyone who works in Law Enforcement.. I have "race" question. ?

    The clothes I wear aren't baggy, "urban" or "thug" like at all. Many of the clothes I do wear come from Old Navy, Forever 21 and Charlotte Russe. Every time I walk by cars, I always hear the sounds of the car door being locked. I work in the mall at one of the clothing stores. Many people leave there bags around near them, but set them on the floor while they are trying on clothes. There have been numerous situations in which the Non-Black co-workers are helping the customer. As soon as it's my turn to go by the dressing rooms and help out, the customers take one look at me and grab their items, put them on their lap and clutch them extremely close to them. This isn't a one time occasion. It's happened numerous times. I remember one time where a customer asked me a question and her friend was sitting on a chair with all her shopping bag belongings. When I took a look at the customers pants, her friend quickly grabbed her belongings like I was going to take them. What is the deal? I'm extremely nice, I don't do anything wrong, I speak well. I smile all the time.Why is this happening!? Do you know anyway I could stop having these people think I'm some type of delinquent? It doesn't make sense.
    I'm not a Black man.
    So, I guess I can't do anything about it. Great. Well now what?
    Spider- The thing is I'm not a loud person. When people do that to me and move their bags, I just kind of giggle. Sometimes I try to giggle enough to make them notice. I'm moving to outerspace. I've already decided that.
    skonch-- Wtf are you talking about? How do I want to be "edgy"? What sides?
    Foxracer-- Very insightful. Thanks
    LAUGHTER EVER DAY-- I've tried to think of this also. I don't know. I'm standoffish and shy. That might be one reason. I'm smiley and nice. I don't know though. I'm the same age group as the rest of them and they never have to experience that problem. It seems like I'm the only one. Why is that? Is it because I'm more shy so I look more "mysterious"?

  2. #2
    laughter_every_day's Avatar
    What you don't mention is the million other considerations. For instance, do others get the same response or is it just you? I suspect it is anyone in your age group, but I could be wrong. Assuming it to be just you, there are many things that could make someone feel uneasy. The most common is the measurement of personal space. Ask yourself if people tend to back away from you during face to face conversations. If so, then your notion of personal space is smaller than their's and so you constantly intrude on their space. Then there is the whole subject of eye-contact. The cultural norms are rarely mentioned but when they are not followed people get extremely uncomfortable. So, even though the only thing about yourself that you can identify is race, it if it is true that you are making people uncomfortable it could be any number of things in addition to race. Especially if the reaction seems to be universal.

  3. #3
    laughter_every_day's Avatar
    What you don't mention is the million other considerations. For instance, do others get the same response or is it just you? I suspect it is anyone in your age group, but I could be wrong. Assuming it to be just you, there are many things that could make someone feel uneasy. The most common is the measurement of personal space. Ask yourself if people tend to back away from you during face to face conversations. If so, then your notion of personal space is smaller than their's and so you constantly intrude on their space. Then there is the whole subject of eye-contact. The cultural norms are rarely mentioned but when they are not followed people get extremely uncomfortable. So, even though the only thing about yourself that you can identify is race, it if it is true that you are making people uncomfortable it could be any number of things in addition to race. Especially if the reaction seems to be universal.

  4. #4
    Slick's Avatar
    You should thank your fellow black men for the way your being treated. The stereo typing people love to cry about has a cause like anything else in life, In this case it is a large percentage of young black men being involved in some aspect of crime. And when someone speaks fact it cannot be called racist.

  5. #5
    Foxracer2009's Avatar
    You misinterpreted his answer, he meant, you would like to understand both points of view. By implying that, white people look at African Americans and think criminal in many instances. But fellow African Americans see you as just another person. The stereotyping will continue for a long time, unfortunately the problems facing society like theft, vandalism, and violence are the lame reason why everybody points fingers at people different than them. You may want to consider reading the book "Silent Racism" I have that one on my wishlist, it looks like a very interesting book that may enlighten us, so we understand more in depth factors that play a role in racism, therefore we would be better prepared and equipped with information to help reduce the problem.

  6. #6
    patricia c
    patricia c's Avatar
    I'm sorry you are having that problem.

  7. #7
    HodgPodg's Avatar
    Stereotypes have brought many people to think of blacks as thieves. There is nothing you can do about it, the rest of society needs to change before those stereotypes will change.

  8. #8
    CAT ^
    CAT ^'s Avatar
    They fear African Americans. It's their problem, not yours. Chalk it up to ignorance.

  9. #9
    shocked's Avatar
    At the malls in my area, you would not notice this type of thing happening. Do you work in a "high brow" elitist type of store or what?

    In The Phoenix, Az area, I would be more leary of the Emo's than the blacks.

  10. #10
    shocked's Avatar
    At the malls in my area, you would not notice this type of thing happening. Do you work in a "high brow" elitist type of store or what?

    In The Phoenix, Az area, I would be more leary of the Emo's than the blacks.



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