So I have heard from my spouse that there are women out there who are married with kids who like to have sex 3-4 times a day. I do not know any personally, in fact everyone I have talked to has a vastly different number. Could you tell me if any of you married folks with kids at home are getting lucky that often or do you have a different number? I just want to know if my spouse is dreaming or do they know something I don't know.
I said 4-5 times a week is good for me and this is the number he have me. I told him that was a lot and he informed me that we are just different. That there are millions of women like me who have a sex drive like his, millions. I am also told that if he doesn't get it from me he will get it somewhere else. I would love to think once a week could prevent him from straying or even 4 times a week like I want. I am really scared he will leave so I want to at least try to fulfill him. I just would like to know the facts though, are there really all these women out there like he says?
Wow, Kelly......from what I could understand from your typing you think I should have sex 3-4 times a day with my man because he wants it. That and I am fat and lazy? If I was fat I don't think he would be after me so much. Lazy? No I just don't want to be a pincushion instead of a wife. I am willing to go there and often but 3-4 times a day seemed outrageous and that is why I asked. Thanks for crap advice lady.