hi guys,
day before yesterday my fiance said she'd love to learn salsa dance, without hesitation i asked her to join a salsa dancing class.
unfortunately i dint knew about salsa dancing, has just heard about it, and perhaps seen it ages ago, am not a fan of salsa or those kinds of dances.
today when i was goin thru the web for salsa dancing videos, i came across several videos where women were grinding really close to the coveted male organ... and they danced with several guys!
i dunno perhaps i'm too possessive or what, i cant see my would be wife do all such acts, it makes me sick and not wanna be with such a person.
but since i love her so much, i went to her house, and asked her why she wants to learn salsa dancing? to which she replied "just like that, there are many more such dances i wanna learn"
huh, it got me pissed off, i asked her do you even know how salsa is done?
yes i do was her reply...
amused like a mule i was, i told her its a vulgar form of dance, do you want to dance with so many different men? is this what you really want to do?
she replied that she wont be learning it as she's getting engaged now...
but then why the hell bring up the topic.
i told her clearly that i would not like her do any such form of dance, not now, not in future
i sat there agitated for a few minutes, she was asking me about mom & dad to which i gave short answers. i was boiling in my head.
after 15 mins i cooled down and apologized her but again informed her that she should always keep that in mind and shud not give me an opportunity to strike back as i am hell short tempered.
few mins later we were kissing and cuddling each other, as if nothing had happened...

i hope i did the right thing?
i love my fiance more than myself and i would always like to see her happy...
but i'm a person who cannot see his wife go around with other men, even if it be salsa dancing
this is the link to the video
i am thinking of showing this video to her justifying why i dont like her to get into this.
hope thats ok?