We own a social Networking page, and we can't figure out why we can't hide certain features like they can on myspace. This is supposed to be almost a clone of it, the creator said it's all the same labels so our hide codes should work.. So why can't we seem to get this to work? It seems our class is missing

This is our sites:

<!-- interests -->
<table id="Table1" width="300" bgcolor="#eeeeee" border="1" bordercolor="#c0c0c0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td class="text" wrap="" style="word-wrap: break-word;" valign="middle" width="300" align="left" bgcolor="#c0c0c0">***
<span class="whitetext12">
***Reina's Interests
<tr valign="top">
<table width="300" align="center" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">

This is myspaces:

<table id="Table1" class="interestsAndDetails" width="300" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="1" bordercolor="#6699cc" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td class="text tdborder" wrap="" style="word-wrap: break-word;" valign="middle" width="300" align="left" bgcolor="#6699cc">***
<span class="whitetext12">
©Jacob Black's Interests
<tr valign="top">
<td class="tdborder">
<table id="Table2" width="300" align="center" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">

We are at a total loss and have NO idea why our CSS hide codes arent working
we use thingslike
.latestBlogEntry { display:none; }

Our blogs and interests tables wont hide

http://www.RoleplayProfiles.com <-- thats our site