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  1. #1
    lori's Avatar

    If Lincoln were alive today, would he be a Democrat or Republican?

    I think he would be a Democrat. He had VERY liberal ideology. He saw everyone as equal and was open to change. This is probably why Obama is so inspired by him.
    Wise 1: I think you should change your name to "Dumb 1"

  2. #2
    larebil_srotiart's Avatar
    Looking at the current state of the Country (no, I do not mean the Economy), and the recent disregard for the Constitution, specifically ART2 sect1, it is most likely that Lincoln would emigrate elsewhere, disgusted at what the liberal, politically correct mindset has allowed.

  3. #3
    britt's Avatar
    He would be republican, it may have been a liberal ideology back then but it wouldnt be in this day and age. Just because he believed in change doesnt make Obama like Lincoln, thats a bit of a stretch. Too many people drank the coolaid with his speeches. He may bring change but we dont know if its good change yet...

  4. #4
    Osama Obama Yomama
    Osama Obama Yomama's Avatar
    How were his views liberal? Lincoln opposed slavery because he thought it was immoral and that it was denying rights to blacks. The Democrats didn't care about that and felt that morality and doing what's right had no place in government.

    Today Republicans oppose abortion because it's immoral and denies rights to the unborn. Democrats don't care about that, they feel that morality and doing what's right have no place in government.

  5. #5
    Wise 1
    Wise 1's Avatar
    is this a q?

    lincoln saw everybody as equal, but equality isnt the same. he was also only opened to "CHANGE" if he had assesed it to be for the better

  6. #6
    Joshua H
    Joshua H's Avatar
    Yes, Democrat. The parties have done a 180 degree flip since then.

  7. #7
    i need a drink.
    i need a drink.'s Avatar
    i agree with gutter trash!
    im black, but i know lincoln did not free the slaves because he wanted to do something morally good...

    he would probably be a republican

  8. #8
    jj2625's Avatar
    He was a republican. He would have been embarrased of Bush. Proud of Obama. A war he started with the intentions of freeing his fellow man.

  9. #9
    Gutter Trash
    Gutter Trash's Avatar
    please do your homework
    lincoln did not fight the war to free slaves
    he in fact stated that he was doing this to preserve the union
    he only stated the emancipation proclamation because the north was losing so bad
    it was intended to persuade europe to pull its support from the south
    and fill the ranks with negro soldiers
    even general grant said that if anyone accused him of fighting the war to free slaves he would draw his sword on them
    but its funny in our polititically correct world how all this gets left out
    so i would say from a historical viewpoint he would be a republican

  10. #10
    Bloatedtoad's Avatar
    Obama goes beyond Liberal. See this:




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