I want to breed my red/blue heeler mix. She is a beautiful dog who resembles a red heeler and is a very perceptive and keen dog. Her heart belongs to chasing birds in the backyard, so i know even between the mix she is 100% into hunting birds. She is now 4 and i am ready to breed her. 1. Do i go with red heeler or blue heeler? Or a mix? and 2. is it gonna be worth it? (i would breed her no matter what for the motherly instinct so she can be mom and have some pups and keep one or two) OR should i just have her spayed? I love her to death and want her to be happy. (if i can breed her i would really love to provide someone with a dog as awesome as mine and i want her to be a mother as well.... plan to keep one or two) shes a sweet dog and is VERY smart. She knows quite a few tricks. (im a very proud dog owner who is only looking for the best for my baby girl Butterbean) all answers appreciated.